Getting Lost With A Map
I've been captivated by asemic writing as a system that hides radical ideas which challenge our accepted and overlooked communication systems. Whilst appearing as writing, asemic writing, at its core, abandons the semantic value of 'words'. Seeing our lives as locked into a language structure, the refusal of meaning, for me, signifies pushing against pre-written, dominant narratives of our society.
I am fascinated by the potential of the incomprehensible, leaving the 'reader' with the agency to translate, explore, interpret — create their own meaning. In a way, I see all my readers as co-creators of the asemic work.
Asemic notation page used as a map — Bringing together the two ideas, 'asemic maps' and 'walking as a communicating process', I asked two friends to try to guide themselves in Victoria Park in London. My instructions to them were to try to interpret the map together as they wanted and document the process with a GoPro camera.